Lyrics to my newst song, dedicated to the city I love and miss.
Here you can listen to it.1) Some people might despise you
I fell in love at first sight
Some people might put doubts on you
To me you're bold and true
You might not be the New York City
you might not be the centre of the world, but you are
Warsaw, oh oh
you're the city that inspires
breaking through the fires
Warsaw, oh oh
you're the phoenix from the ashes
breaking through the crashes
2) Regarded as the cold and cruel
to me you smell of youth
Sometimes the things have gone so wrong
you made my wings grow strong
You are not perfect as anyone else
but you gave me a chance
Chorus: Warsaw...
You told me how to take the risk of living
you taught me how to never ever give in
You brought me so much inspirations
I'm missin every street and bus stations