An illustration I did back in december and accidentaly found it in my drawer with underwear - sorry for personal details, but I find it amusing ;) anyway, I was looking forward to finishing it, so here is the final piece.
The poster and illustration for PRZEtargi MIEJskie vol 2 - the arts/fashion/design fair coming up this february in Warsaw. Since it's going to be around Valentines, the illustrations refers to love mood ;)
I am always open to explore various styles - I like digital drawing, but it feels good to play around with traditional techniques. Now I have an appetite for ink and paints. And going beyond safety areas.
LCF is such an inspirational place - especially its library.
HERE IT IS - ONE OF MY SONGS FROM MY OFFICIAL DEMO - "TAKE ME OR LEAVE ME" !!! Music and lyrics: me, arranged by Grzegorz Jabłoński (POLUZJANCI) in Woobie doobie studios. I will upload my songs gradually - be patient and just enjoy... :) All my official songs have been officialy protected by copyrights and I have become a ZAIKS member. Enjoy... :) TAKE ME OR LEAVE ME
Is this going to be the hottest trend in make-up for 2012? It is definitely adventurous and stands out :) Looking forward to seeing some brave girls on Oxford street (maybe I will even join them at some point ;)